It is normal for people to be employed and earn a living by laboring for a specified number of hours in their workplace. However, not all employees have the advantage of sitting in a plush office during work hours. Many of the workers have to work in less-than-ideal conditions, often risking their well-being and lives in the process. The employers must consider this aspect of workers and arrange to have the workforce trained in “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.” Sure, there are different kinds of training available at present but obtaining the ISO 45001 Certification after receiving the required training for a specified number of hours makes the said individual qualify for employment in certain industries.
ISO 45001 is regarded as the gold standard today with almost every organization and business owner keen to get their employee and supervisors trained properly. The training program and certification strives to protect both the employees as well as the occasional/frequent visitor from workplace hazards and diseases that may occur due to exposure to certain pathogens or deadly chemicals. The ISO 45001 Certification Process was developed over time to reduce the risk-prone factors likely to result in irreparable damage to the workforce and organizations.
The standards in place enable all organizations around the world to improve their work environment, thereby thwarting the instances of injury, illness, and death. Each company has to remain engaged with actions that help to improve the OH&SMS performance at a steady rate. The ISO 45001 Certification Process is based on OHSAS 18001 predominantly with the guidelines and conventions being endorsed by, “International Labor Organization.”
Every organization does not need to start from scratch, however. The reputable ISO 45001 Consultants advise transitioning to ISO 45001 from OHSAS 18001 by following a different program. The novel OH&SMS incorporates multiple ISO standards and practices and allows the organizations to follow the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model and plan following specific requirements.
Continuous Improvement - A structured methodology is agreed upon by the management or company owners to implement the most suitable and sustainable solutions needed to address the risks related to ongoing activities at the workplace.
Process-Based Approach - Each process is studied carefully and tested to implement the most effective and efficient methods for obtaining the right results thereby mitigating all risks substantially.
Risk Management - The risks are identified with the organization needing to take steps to reduce all activities that are risk-prone and likely to end in undesirable incidents.
Principles of Prevention - This is a framework based on the European model of prevention that closely follows the Directive “89/391 EEC.”
It is essential to conduct audits to obtain the ISO 45001 Certification. You need to be informed about the process and be aware of the categories thought to be necessary. Remember that there are two distinct types of Audits for ISO 45001 namely an internal one and an external one. Every organization hoping for the certification needs to hire internal auditors or registrars and go through a two-stage audit. The external auditors will check the processes implemented to ensure workplace safety and approve of the same before recommending the said organization to become certified.
Risk Identification - Adoption of the OH&SMS that is based on ISO 45001 helps the organization to prevent mishaps and illnesses in its workforce. This is desirable than the curative approach with the employees being assured of safety at all times. Identification of hazardous areas as well as objects can go a long way in reducing the risks. Apart from evading physical injuries, the workers do not have any pressure to perform in hazardous conditions thus being able to prevent psychological problems in the long run too.
Decrease in Accident Rates - By introducing ISO 45001 standards that advise the company to constantly improve workplace safety, it is possible to avoid multiple accidents in any given year. The related costs go down as well, especially when a worker suffers injuries or becomes disabled on the job. This is a win-win situation for all concerned with the company performance showing constant improvement. Indirect expenses such as repair of defective machines and settling legal issues as well as honoring insurance claims associated with workers comp get reduced considerably as well.
Improved Awareness - True, the primary onus of educating the employees about workplace safety lies with the management. However, every employee becomes aware of the facts and takes care to improve their working conditions thus fulfilling the objective of ISO 45001 Certification.
Simplified Work Process - There is absolutely no need for compelling the workers to attend safety meetings or maintain records. Each team or department is now free to determine the kind of tools and processes suitable to improve performance without being risk pone. Organizations with ISO 9001 and/or 14001 certifications can make a transition to ISO 45001 making the process even easier.
Untainted Reputation - The reputation of the company is sure to be enhanced once the rate of accidents and workplace injury comes down sharply. Workplace improves gradually with the concerned organization being a favorable company for aspiring job seekers and trained personnel.
You do have to consider the ISO 45001 Certification Cost before going through with the required registration. There is no one-word answer in response to an inquiry made about the expenses involved. It varies and is likely to increase for complex organizations that employ several skilled and unskilled individuals in the workforce.
It is never too late to hire ISO 45001 Consultants with a proven record of expertise and experience in trying to obtain the ISO 45001 Certification. Sure, it may lead to expenses but the cost is going to be justified by the outcome that involves happy employees and improved workplace safety plus productivity.
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